Giving Me A Chance!,
I have my site hosted on, its at and it was a learning experience. They host it for me free and of course there are limitations, but nothing in life is free, well, almost nothing. I would love to pay them and upgrade but I live in the Philippines, work as an impoverished writer and don't own a credit card. I can't get one here as I am a foriegner and I'm not American so I can't get one of those deals happening. How do I get hosted? The answer is Thanks guys, it has given me a chance to get a web site going. Sure, it took a bit of learning and frustration, but you are doing a valuable service.

Great Site for Information and Pictures,
This site was wonderful... found it full of great information on the breed and full of great pictures. It answered many of my questions. And "The what you need to know" section was the absolute best on the Web. Everyone needs to visit this site if they are looking at purchasing a Chinese Crested or even if they already own one. And the pictures well blow your mind.. They were all so wonderful.
I give this site 5 stars and highly recommend it to all.
I would like to thank the web master.

Thank you for all the great info..Keep it coming.

I was looking for a specific product that they had in their search but it was no where to be found instead were replacement products that are known to be really bad products.

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